I've all but given up on what works. At the moment I'm writing what interests me. In the land of numbers I don't compete, because I'm not even on the scoreboard yet.

I'm doing one more coaching session this next week for Medium. Hoping I find value in it.

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yep same, I think if you or me don´t write what interests us we will never get on the scoreboard. Sometimes i wonder if i wrote the ¨popular¨ topics i would be further along, but it would kill my soul, and i already had a career that did that. Oooh that sounds awesome, if you have questions about Medium you can always message me on here, i have been writing on there for 3 years! I didn´t realize you also were a writer, I am going to check out your stuff, do you prefer here or on Medium? drop me your link there!

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Sara Burdick

You've been on Medium for three years? I don't remember when I found you on there, and was surprised to see you on here! At the moment I'm sharing what I write on here to Medium, that's about to change...

I've been writing for a little over a year, so I'm still trying g to find my footing. The two platforms are different. I'm deciding on which one to focus on. And I'm amping up to two articles a week. That's a challenge for me! Anyway, https://substack.com/home/post/p-145660329?r=1j2nh&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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yea i started there… and now i am slowly transitioning here, but its def a slow process. I just cross post!

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I can tell you it's been frowned upon to cross post; I've been doing it anyway. I can't seem to string together more than one article a week. And the platforms are two different beasts. I'm learning this the hard way. The good news is you already have a great following. I'm still in the beginning stages and as time marches on I'm allowed fewer mistakes. Ugh, the word process... married to the word slow.

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oh interesting! I always cross post, but i have way more readers on Medium but I have been writing there way longer, I just started consistently posting here maybe since january.. its all a slow process.. you just have to keep doing it, and one will catch. I move very slow, so many writers who started when I did are now making way more than me, and I dont really want to be in the coaching world, or the how to world, so like you i move slow, and prefer to write what i enjoy vs what feels like a job!

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I'm following in that direction. I simply can't let writing feel like a job. It started to recently. I have to change some things. One is publishing like clockwork weekly. Too much pressure to keep doing so right now. I'm deciding exactly what to do. Making a decision one way or the other by the end of the weekend.

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"Comfort is the thief of joy." Duly noted.

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