The place you call home. you feel it. That feeling gets down into the marrow of your bones. This is EXACtLY what I yearn for, that place I call home. Never mind it might (and likely will be) a foreign country. Bur for me, there is no greater feeling in the world, that that where I live and never feel an urge to "get away from it" -which for me is the tell, when I never want to run away. This is a beautiful read and Colombia reads magical. Thank you for sharing your magic with us.

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yes exactly for me it is the same, somewhere I do not want to run away from.. yet run toward! Thank you

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I really loved it when I visited. The cities have a bit of chaos, but it's an organized chaos that doesn't exist in the states. The States creates the chaos, Colombians manage it.

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haha yep.. organized chaos its the best!

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You make me want to visit Columbia. I have a friend who lived there years ago. I think for the cocaine. haha. We spend time in Costa Rica and also love the rainy season.

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haha! yes i think a lot of people come here for that also.. but there is so much more! Costa Rica is also so beautiful

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