Hi Sara, One of my latest leaps of faith was starting a newsletter three years ago after the death of my husband. Writing was something I had wanted to do, but never had the courage. So far, so good.

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"I used to get laughed at, “Sara, I thought you would have quit by now,” but you are still here." ... and I'm betting it was oh so sweet once you were able to walk away and never look back. I've done it so many times I've lost count... the difference between us is that I always took one to two years off and went back into my industry that welcomed me with open arms... I didn't have what I felt it took to get into something different, TBH, I didn't know what that something was... so I used the breaks from burnout to experiment with living in different places, try new jobs, and de-fragging from burnout.

I was also in some truly toxic relationships during most of that time so I coped the best I could, and many times this didn't always equate to healthy living.

We're living in different times now, and thankfully those like you simply need to take a leap of faith, sprinkle it with courage, and most importantly believe in yourselves.

You are a true hero in my book.

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